F-Zero Z

F-Zero Z is an upcoming game for the Wii console from the popular F-Zero series. It is the sequel to F-Zero GX, released in 2003 on the Nintendo GameCube console. The game is set to support online races through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. The game will have Captain Falcon but no FALCOOOOOOUUUN PAAAAAAWNCH. But it is rumoured to have a lot of YES!!! and Come On!! along with "Show me your Moves!!!" F-Zero Z will be more difficult than all other F-Zero games combined. A Nintendo spokesman has said that the "Very Hard" difficulty mode, will be so dangerous, that anyone playing it has to wear protective gear in order to keep their limbs; stating that the game automatically utilizes all speakers in a 20 foot radius of the Wii and plays them on the highest audible setting and locks all doors and possible conventional escape routes. Also, if you crash in "Very Hard" mode, the Wii shoots flames out of the disc drive and can burn an entire house down. A trailer of F-Zero Z can be seen at the end of F-Zero GX after beating story mode blind-folded.
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