Everett L. Storey

Everett Lafayette Storey Born on September 6 1914 was a physical chemist, microbiologist, publisher, and author. Storey was an expert in "Heavy Water" and in the uses of Deuterium, the non-radioactive isotope of Hydrogen. Storey worked on the American top-secret "Manhattan Project" and developed the triggering mechanism enabling the Hydrogen Bomb to exist.
After the war, Storey and his fellow colleagues were diagnosed with radiation poisoning.
Invention of Cellfood
• Physical chemist, microbiologist, author, humanitarian. Invented Hydrogen Bomb in 1942, Albert Einstein called him a ‘Genius'.
• Worked on the Manhattan Project. Due to the high exposure to radiation, he lost about 30 kg in weight.
• The US government allotted 50 million for more than 30 years of research on CELLFOOD.
• 1956, made potable water for the US military.
• 1978, CELLFOOD was assigned #FDA 2020872 with #NDC 4935502.
• 1985, the American Government passed the “Deuterium Freedom Act of 1985”.
• In 1995, CELLFOOD® was classified as a nutritional supplement and not as a drug or patented medicine.
• 1997, received Advanced Technology Award from International Hall of Fame.
Died on August 8, 1988 from the carcinoma of pharynx
Deutrel Industries continues Everett Storey's personal quest and purpose in providing "advanced nutrition" affordably to the world.
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