Evaristo de Miranda

Evaristo Eduardo de Miranda is a Brazilian writer and researcher at Embrapa. He is an expert in agriculture, ecology, environment and land management.
Evaristo E. de Miranda graduated in Agronomy in France (1976) and did his MS and PhD in ecology at the Montpellier University. His master and doctoral thesis were performed in the region of Maradi, Niger (Africa). In 1980, he joined Embrapa Semiarid, in Petrolina, Pernambuco state, as a researcher. In 1986 he moved to São Paulo state, where he established and directed three National Research Centres at Embrapa, including the NMA. He is the coordinator of strategic territorial intelligence - GITE Embrapa and General Head of Embrapa Territorial Intelligence.
He was a professor at the Pernambuco Federal Rural University Botany Institute (UFRPE/IB) and at the São Paulo University Biosciences Institute (IB/USP). He is member of several scientific societies. He also served as a consultant on the UN World Conference on the Environment, Rio 92. Evaristo de Miranda wrote hundreds of scientific articles, published either in Brazil or abroad. He is the author of more than 30 books.

He began his career as a writer on humanity issues with the books "Water, Breath and Light" (1995), "Now and at the Hour" (1996), "Body, Territory of the Sacred" (2000) and "Wise Pharisees" (2001), also translated and published in Italy and France. Among his books of Ecology and Agriculture stand out "Agriculture in Brazil in the XXI Century " (2013), "Jaguar" (2010 ) and "Botanical Gardens in Brazil" (2009).
His scientific and literary production is multipurpose. It addresses topics such as wildlife and domestic animals; Brazilian ecosystems and their History; Cartography and satellite monitoring of the vegetation and the environment. He also deals with spirituality and philosophical issues.
For 6 years, Evaristo de Miranda had a participation in the weekly program Caminhos da Roça (Rural Paths) at EPTV - Globo Network. He frequently publishes articles in newspapers and magazines such as National Geographic, ECO 21,AgroDBO Agroanalysis e O Estado de S. Paulo.
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