Fabio Santeramo

Fabio Gaetano Santeramo (born 1983) is an Italian economist and researcher. Coordinator of the international Summer School on Econometrics in Agriculture at the University of Foggia. He is co-editor of the journal Bio-Based Applied Economics, main journal of the AIEAA. Listed as [https://ideas.repec.org/top/top.italy.html top 25% Economist in Italy] (IDEAS). He is a national expert on crop insurance issues
Fabio G. Santeramo received his Bachelor degrees in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Bari (Italy). He has completed his Master of Science in Economics at Iowa State University (USA), and his doctorate in Agricultural Economics at the University of Naples “Federico II” (Italy). In 2016 he has earned a Ph.D. in Economics from North Carolina State University (USA), under the supervision of Barry K. Goodwin. His dissertation was titled Three Essays on Applied Aspects of Transaction Costs.
Since 2014 Fabio Santeramo serves as Assistant Professor at the University of Foggia. Member of the IATRC since 2017, Fabio Santeramo has taught in Italy, in the Netherlands, and in USA (University of Bari, University of Naples “Federico II”, Iowa State University, North Carolina State University, Wageningen University & Research); he has served as consultant for the CIHEAM, the FAO, the ICCT, the EU Commission , the IATRC, and the IFPRI; he has authored more than fifty peer-reviewed articles, and is coauthoring with more than thirty colleagues from France, Germany, Italy, Pakistan, Spain, Turkey, and the USA. Fabio Santeramo has been awarded twice the Best Article by a Young Researcher by the AIEAA (2016 and 2018). His research has been published in top field journals such as European Review of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agricultural Economics, and Agricultural Economics.
His main field of study is agricultural economics, with a heavy focus on risk analysis and trade.
His dissertation has been awarded the Best Italian PhD Dissertation by SIDEA and AISSA. In 2016 and in 2018 he has been awarded the Best Article by a Young Researcher by the AIEAA. Since 2018, he has been awarded the National Scientific Habilitation for Full Professor.
* La gestione del rischio in agricoltura. Assicurazioni, credito e strumenti finanziari per lo sviluppo rurale. Edagricole, 2018
*Santeramo, F. G. (2016). Three Essays on Applied Aspects of Transaction Costs.
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