Eurovision 2019 Boycott Movement

Following Israel's win of the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 they were awarded the rights to host the contest and later stated that they had plans to host it on Israeli soil. However, due to the contest being held in Israel, and potentially Jerusalem for a third time, some have expressed their discontent and called for a boycott, as part of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. This was later fuelled by the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel.
Although Iceland confirmed provisional participation in the 2019 contest, 26,500 Icelanders signed a petition calling on the Icelandic national broadcaster Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV) to boycott the event. That works out at roughly 8% the Icelandic Population. Icelandic musician Daði Freyr stated that he would no longer participate in the Icelandic national selection Söngvakeppnin and called upon RÚV to boycott the event, tweeting "We can't imagine taking part in the fun that is Eurovision with a clear conscience while the Israeli state and their army use such terrible violence against the Palestinian people." It was then announced that RUV would stage a meeting deciding if they would boycott the event, following calls from Icelandic fans.The outcome of that meeting is yet to be announced
Lord Mayor of Dublin Mícheál Mac Donncha, who is banned from entering Israel due to his support for the BDS movement, stated that Ireland should withdraw from the 2019 contest due to it taking place in Israel. Sinn Féin politician, Lynn Boylan called for a boycott via Twitter; "Israel wins Eurovision so let's make BDS more successful than ever in 2019". MEP Nessa Childers stated "Jerusalem? The mind boggles. I thought Tel Aviv". Fellow Sinn Féin Member Órla Nic Biorna also expressed her discontent. The Irish Alternative called for a boycott. Irish Eurovision winner Charlie McGettigan has also called for RTE to boycott the event, stating "Look, we don’t agree with this, to celebrate while other people are dying." Former Irish TV host Mike Murphy has also called for a boycott of the event.
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