Essex bus route 59

Essex bus route 59 is a supported bus route in Essex, United Kingdom, operating between Harlow and Chelmsford serving as a vital link, especially to the villages in between (including Hatfield Heath and Sheering). The route is part of a Quality Bus Partnership (QBP) and operates on Mondays to Saturdays. The current operator is Arriva Shires & Essex.
Route 59 has a history dating to at least the 1980s when it was operated by Eastern National.
Eastern National was acquired by Badgerline in 1990 which divided the company in two- Thamesway in the south of Essex and Eastern National in the north of Essex. The two companies eventually became part of First Group and were named First Essex. First Essex became the operator of route 59 from Chelmsford garage for a long while, until Arriva Shires & Essex took the contract over in about 2003/2004. Arriva operated the route out of Harlow garage. The contracted service eventually became a commercial service with funding from Essex County Council.
In November 2008, as part of a Quality Bus Partnership between Arriva and Essex County Council, the route had a fleet upgrade consisting of two new Optare Versas and one existing Optare Solo. The Saturday timetable also received an upgrade in the process with a consistent frequency of every hour, matching the Monday to Friday service.
Route information
* No Sunday service
* Intalink Explorer tickets can be purchased and accepted.
Current Route
Route departing Harlow
* Sheering Road
* Chelmsford Road
* Stortford Road
* Margaret Roding
* Four Wantz
* Chalk End
* Roxwell Road
* (for )
Route departing Chelmsford
* (for )
* Roxwell Road
* (One evening journey only)
* Chalk End
* Four Wantz
* Margaret Roding
* Stortford Road
* Chelmsford Road
* Sheering Road
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