Escort Ireland

Escort Ireland is a website that, for a fee, hosts ads for escort services offered by third parties in Ireland.
The website was set up by Patricia Albright in 1998 whilst the Censorship of Publications Board was taking action to ban the magazine In Dublin from carrying prostitute advertisements. The site recieved over 700,000 hits its first year.
Escort Ireland operates as an English limited company outside of Irish jurisdiction in is therefore not subject to Irish law on the advertising of prostitution services.
In 2008, Albright repported that the site typically hosted advertisements for about 40 escorts, but during special events such as the Galway Races, the numbers go "up dramatically". In 2009, the number of advertisments was reported at over 500 in Ireland, including over 230 in Dublin and half a dozen in Wexford.
EscortIreland has provided information about the use of brothels to news sources such as has been used by prostitutes to exchange information about dangerous clients. The site was also named as hosting advertisements for escort services in a case alledging that women were lured from Romania with the promise of jobs as housecleaners but forced into prostitution.
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