Ernesto van Peborgh

Ernesto van Peborgh is a businessman and engineer who holds an MBA from Harvard Business School. He currently works in the field of communications for driving sustainable development.
Van Peborgh has established a multidisciplinary team called El viaje de Odiseo, which specializes in the architecture, construction and management of knowledge networks. Van Peborgh is also a regular columnist at La Nacion (Argentine daily newspaper) and lecturer. He is former vice-president of Citicorp Equity Investments and founding partner and director of the investment fund AVP-AIG Southern Cone Fund. He is also former assistant professor at the Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) and at the MBA of the Universidad de Belgrano, among other positions.
He regularly participates in expeditions and was captain of the Espíritu Argentino team in expeditionary competitions such as the New Zealand Eco Challenge (2001).
Film research
In 2005, Van Peborgh directed the documentary “Círculos de piedra” (“Stone Circles”), which follows the expedition of a group of relatives and friends in honor of Agostino Rocca, Germán Sopeña and José Luis Fonrouge, killed in a plane crash in 2001 on a flight to Puerto Bandera, in the Los Glaciares National Park, where they intended to fly and Argentine flag as scientist and geographer Francisco P. Moreno had done 124 years earlier.
In 2007, Van Peborgh published Sustainability 2.0, a first approach to the catalyst role that the social media can play in the creation of collaborative business and governance models.
This was followed, in 2010, by Odisea 2.0 - Las marcas en los medios sociales (“Odyssey 2.0: Brands in the Social Media”), which offers a strategy for establishing brand values in online networks.
In 2013, he published La cultura colaborativa en las empresas (“The Culture of Collaboration in Companies”), the product of a research he carried out with the El viaje de Odiseo team and teachers from the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) about collaborative networks in companies and the opportunities they offer for improving access to information, encouraging teamwork and promoting innovation, with an impact on business results. This work offers a methodology for implementing management tools, and includes the ADN (DNA) case: a collaborative network connecting eleven thousand employees of Telefónica Argentina, whose functional and strategic design was created by El viaje de Odiseo. This was published as an e-book by Temas.
In Brazil, also in 2013, Van Peborgh published Redes: o Despertar da Consciência Planetária (“Networks: The Awakening of Planetary Awareness”), his third book, where he explains why the networks that develop and thrive contain the seed of a new global awareness.
In 2016, he published, in digital format and in English, Homo Hacker: Managing Complexity to Overcome our Planetary Challenges, where he describes "the breakdown of our linear, Cartesian logics and the evolution towards a new state of awareness and commitment".
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