
Erianto (born 1983) is an Indonesian visual artist born in Paladangan Agam, West Sumatra. He lives and works in Yogyakarta and specialises in painting replica parcels and crates, which are used to protect canvas paintings. In 2011, he was one of the award recipients of the Bandung Contemporary Art Award (BaCAA). He has exhibited in Art Stage Singapore 2011 with D Gallerie Jakarta and had solo exhibitions with Element Art Space in Singapore.
* 2011 The Best Three Art Work BACAA,( Bandung Contemporary art Awards), Lawang Wangi & Science Estate. Bandung, Indonesia
*2010 Nominator of JAA ( Jakarta Art Award ) Reflection Of Megacities, North Art Space, Pasar Seni Ancol Jakarta Indonesia
*2009 The dream (the Power of dream), The best 20 finalist Tujuh Bintang Art Award, Jogja National Museum. Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*2008 Finalist of Visual Art, 100th Anniversary of Kebangkitan Nasional, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*2007 Favorite Works of Peduli Seni, Fine Art Exhibition with "Aksi Anak Bangsa", Senayan City, Jakarta, Indonesia. The best 20 Finalist of The Thousand Mysteries of Borobudur, Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*2006 The Big 10 Finalist of Pekan Seni Mahasiswa VIII, Makasar, Indonesia
*2004 The Best Art Works, UNP Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia
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