Enola Cola

Enôla Côla is a poet and owner/editor/operator of Bedrock Press. Influenced greatly by the inserts of punk band Dead Kennedys, Enôla began to make zines in 2000, gaining publishing help from Beating Hearts Press in Australia. Since then, Enôla has released a number of poetry zines which have been greatly influenced by the beat movement, and punk and hardcore scenes. Côla's latest collection of poetry is a long poem entitled 'Millennium Blues,' and is scheduled to be released in the Fall of 2007.

Bedrock Press has released Côla's later writings, as well as music by Deadpan Rookie, Uncle Jesse and the Jesse's, has reprinted Antler's 'Factory' poem, as well as two essays by Penny Rimbaud, 'Freedom is such a big word,' and 'The Conveniences of Philosophy' in a cheap version based off of the Bracketpress letterpress editions.

Côla is currently working with Rev. Kevin Annett to help raise awareness about the Residential Schools in Canada which have claimed the lives of upwards of 50 000 Native children.

Enôla currently resides in the bowels of South-Western Ontario.
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