Engineering cycle

The engineering cycle is a framework used in Design Science for Information Systems and Software Engineering.Design science is a valid research methodology to develop solutions for practical engineering problems. Design science is particularly suitable for wicked problems.
The engineering cycle consists of:
* Problem investigation.
* Treatment design.
* Treatment validation.
* Treatment implementation.
* Implementation evaluation.
The design cycle consists of the first 3 tasks of the engineering cycle: investigation, design, and validation.
The engineering and design cycles do not prescribe a mandatory, rigid sequence of activities. Moreover, they are often applied recursively for sub-problems of the main research objective.
The engineering cycle and the design cycle are often applied in several iterations (hence “cycle”). In such a case, the evaluation may become the investigation part of the next engineering cycle.
The engineering cycle model was proposed by Roel Wieringa in his book "Design Science Methodology for Information Systems and Software Engineering".
Validation vs. evaluation in the engineering cycle
In the engineering cycle model, validation is part of the design cycle. It involves checking if the designed artifacts support the initial assumptions. It is executed in a theoretical, “laboratory” environment; such as through discussions and interviews with practitioners and experts. Validation is executed before the implementation in practice.
On the other hand, evaluation is executed after the implementation in practice of the designs. It involves analyzing the behavior, effects, and impact of the designed artifacts in practice, in the field. In our case, this meant implementation and analysis of the designs in actual, industry IT projects.
Stefan Morcov proposes a parallel between these 2 activities and a similar framework, the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) model. The TRL model was proposed by NASA and is currently also widely applied in the European Union's research programs such as Horizon. Thus, validation leads to TRL level 4 - “Technology validated in a laboratory environment”; while evaluation leads to a TRL level 6 - “Technology demonstrated in a relevant environment”.
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