
Eltas is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth. There is no particular clue about his nature and all we can do is assume that he is a Man, based on his peculiar introduction to the Tale of Turambar and the Foalókë.
Eltas remains overall a mysterious and unexplored minor figure, found in The History of Middle-earth, Volume II. He is located in the Cottage of Lost Play or Mar Vanwa Tyelieva, where he narrates the Tale mentioned before to Ælfwine (or Eriol).
He says that in the past "he knew the kingdoms of the North, long ere he trod Olórë Mallë". As Christopher Tolkien seems to conclude, Eltas was a child of the fathers of the fathers of Men, who trod the Path of Dreams (Olórë Mallë) to find the land of Kôr and in the he stayed with the Eldar forever. He is with the current work published the one and only named person to do so. We can assume he has achieved immeasurable long life by drinking often limpë in the House of Lindo and Vairë in Kortirion.
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