Egon H. Einoder

Sociologist of Systems
American Citizen, born in Brazil of German parents, who later emigrated to Uruguay. In 1995 he and his family, settled in the U.S. He graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration at the University of Montevideo, Uruguay. The curriculum covered Macro and Micro-Economy; Public Finances; the Law System. Mathematics and Statistics; Public and Private Organization’s Accounting, Administration, and Auditing.
He was awarded the Chair of General and Economic Sociology when the Faculty first incorporated this discipline. Under his directorship the Special Social Sciences were integrated with their respective Sociologies covering, mainly, Ethics, Politics, Economy, Law, Knowledge and how to transmit it.
Einöder was a member of the National Academy of Economy; CEO of Fabrica Nacional de Neumaticos (National Tyres Factory); advisor to the Chamber of Commerce; advisor, lobbyist and/or representative in various enterprises such as urban transport cooperatives, steel manufacturers, banks, international construction businesses, mining, etc., as well as negotiator of labor contracts with the unions.
At the time of the military government in Uruguay, he was offered the choice of the Ministry of Economy or the Ministry of Planning and Budgeting, both of which he refused. During that period he strongly advised against the reduction of import duties promoted by the Chicago School of Economics. As he predicted, the imbalance caused between the tax protection and the internal taxes, resulted in the lack of competitiveness which led to the massive closure of industries.
At the Sociology Congress held in Montevideo, Uruguay, Einöder presented a Multidimensional Grid with a Structural and Dynamic Outline of Economic Development which was distinguished and published in the magazine of the Faculty of Economic Science. This first paper later evolved into his Methodology of Complexity. This Methodology is the tool with which to obtain a systemic view of local and global Society, as well as a systemic view of any issue, as all is intertwined, nothing exists independently. When we apply this Systemic Methodology, we raise the level of interpretation and understanding of facts (realities), and reach an inevitable and irrefutable critical rationalism which is essential in all empiric and mathematical studies.
Einöder broadened the scope of the Methodology by incorporating his Constructive-Deconstructive Hermeneutics. The applicability of this Method knows no bounds. It is applicable to the interpretation of texts and theories. The concept of System is essential to discover and assemble the empirical data for a diagram of how the system works; to construct the Real Empirical Taxonomy of the Institutions, etc. This Methodology should be included in High Education.
Through his research into Latin America’s endemic underdevelopment Einöder found the way to establish the real structures of the socio-political systems and how they work. Amongst his works are:
Critical analyses on the lack of Representativeness and the lack of the Right to Information of the so-called Latin American democracies;
An analysis of the OAS’ Democratic Charter which due to its Inter-American nature, targets on the safety of the rulers against coups d’état, but fails to define Democracy’s fundamental rights of Representation and Participation;
The unachievable Reform of the State due to the dialectic imbalance which exists between the Rulers and the Ruled;
The imperative need to reform Latin America’s fictitious democracies and create authentic democracies.
Socialism XXI Century’s lack of any realistic foundation.
In 2003 he published The Ethics of the Political Class and the Origin of Underdevelopment - The Alternative System: Representative and Participative Democracy.
In The Real Dependency Theory (2007), demonstrates which are the real Centers and Peripheries.
The Democratic Theory of Development - The Reform of the State vs. The Reform of Democracy. Presented at the XXII International CLAD Congress on the Reform of the State and Public Administration held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - November 2007.
The Missing Paradigm: Real Democracy - 2008.
Einöder concludes that: A Central Planning of the Market (USSR’s System), is an impossibility. Instead it is necessary to Plan a State which will allow the maximum accumulation of Savings and Investment. He calls this principle the LAW OF DEVELOPMENT PREFERENCE.
In his most recent work he formulates THE DEMOCRATIC THEORY OF SYSTEMIC DEVELOPMENT, INTERTWINING, SIMULTANEOUSLY, THE DEVELOPMENT OF ETHICS, POLITICS, LAW, ECONOMICS, KNOWLEDGE AND CIVIL SOCIETY. This is the only theory that will lead to the political, juridical, economic and social development of Latin America and requires the support of high education.
From it emerges a new academic discipline which he calls Democratic Science. Democratic Science will be the essence of modern Political Science.
Some of his papers can be found in
January, 2009
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