Edwynn Houk Gallery

Edwynn Houk Gallery is a photography gallery specializing in masters of twentieth-century photography with an emphasis on the 1920s and 1930s as well as contemporary photography. Houk founded the gallery in 1980. Today, Houk Gallery is located at 745 Fifth Avenue in New York City.
Edwynn Houk Gallery opened in Chicago in 1980. Houk Gallery has served as the exclusive representative of Modernist photographers and their estates, Brassaï, Bill Brandt, Dorothea Lange, André Kertész, Ilse Bing, and the Robert Frank Archive.
In 1991, the gallery moved to New York. Currently located 745 Fifth Avenue, it has organized exhibitions by 20th century masters including Alfred Stieglitz, Man Ray, Moholy-Nagy, El Lissitzky, Robert Frank and Walker Evans.
The gallery gave space to established photographers like Elliot Erwitt, but also introduced contemporary photographers such as Sally Mann. Mr. Houk has served on the Board of Directors for ADAA, Paris Photo, and AIPAD and on the Selection Committee for Art Basel and Paris Photo. The gallery has mounted over 250 exhibitions and published almost 30 monographs.
Artists currently represented
* Gail Albert Halaban
* Valérie Belin
* Nick Brandt
* Sebastiaan Bremer
* Christopher Bucklow
* Elinor Carucci
* Lynn Davis
* Elliott Erwitt
* Lalla Essaydi
* Mona Kuhn
* Vera Lutter
* Danny Lyon
* David Maisel
* Sally Mann
* Joel Meyerowitz
* Arno Rafael Minkkinen
* Abelardo Morell
* Vik Muniz
* Erwin Olaf
* Matthew Pillsbury
* Herb Ritts
* Stephen Shore
* Paolo Ventura
20th century
* Diane Arbus
* Eugène Atget
* Ilse Bing
* Erwin Blumenfeld
* Bill Brandt
* Brassaï
* Manuel Álvarez Bravo
* Harry Callahan
* Henri Cartier-Bresson
* Robert Frank
* André Kertész
* Dorothea Lange
* Man Ray
* August Sander
* Alfred Stieglitz
* Edward Weston
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