Edico Genome

Edico Genome is a company based in San Diego, California that sells a product for processing DNA sequencing data.
The company was founded in 2013 by Pieter van Rooyen, Robert McMillen, and Michael Ruehle, using office space at a company called EvoNexus in San Diego.
Edico Genome announced $10 million in venture capital financing in July 2014, which was led by Qualcomm Ventures and included Axon Ventures and Gregory T. Lucier, the former chairman and CEO of Life Technologies.
The processor is claimed to reduce the time needed to analyze a whole human genome, from 24 hours to 18 minutes.
DRAGEN was announced in October 2014. Edico Genome made its first sale of DRAGEN in September 2014 to Sequenom, a San Diego company focused on non-invasive prenatal testing.
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