
Ectopusses are fictional ghosts sent by Vlad Plasmius to test Jack Fenton in the Television show Danny Phantom, even though that is not their only purpose.

First appearance
Ectopuses first appear in "Mystery Meat" as the first minor ghost that Danny fights. They were send by Vlad to test Jack's skills, but were beaten by Danny. They also appear in "Bitter Reunions" and "Double Cross My Heart"

Ectopusses are transparent green spirits composed of ectoplasm, bushy black eyebrows, big mouthes, red eyes and four tentacuels. They seem not much of a threat for Danny.

Ectopusses have standard ghost powers such as invisibility, intangibility, flight and apparently able to slap people with its tentacuels and can swim.

Ectopusses seem to groan and make standard sounds that ghosts make or no sound at all.

*The word ectopuss comes from octopus probobly because they resemble octopuses.
*Ectopusses are the ghosts Danny must suck up in the vacuum in the game in "Ghost Sweep"
*Also in "Ghost sweep" ectopusses come in three colors: white, green and red. And also they refer to them simply as "ghosts" saying "White ghost captured."
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