
Earnshaw is a fictional deity who is the focus of the episode "Earnshaw Strikes Again" from the popular BBC comedy series Last of the Summer Wine. He is first mentioned by the character Foggy (Brian Wilde) who creates him as a minor god of the county of Yorkshire in an attempt to mock Clegg (Peter Sallis) and Compo (Bill Owen) for their devout praise of the county.

Earnshaws appearance is stated as wearing sensible footwear and bicycle clips, he seems to be primarily concerned with causing unfortunate accidents to happen to people who speak in a derogatory fashion about Yorkshire. His apparent victim of choice is Foggy who is on the receiving end of several unfortunate incidents including a severe dousing. He can apparently be placated by crossing ones fingers, closing ones eyes, turning around and spitting. Clegg also attempts to make amends for Foggy's wrongdoing by lighting a candle and refusing to tread on the cracks between paving stones.

The pantheon of Yorkshire gods (another god mentioned is named "Sam") appears to be an offshoot of Christianity with the character Compo stating "Some folk are Catholic, some folk are C of E, I'm Yorkshire!". This geographic localisation would make Earnshaw as less of a god and more of a patron saint.
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