Durham Barons

This article is about the University of Durham secret society.

The Barons are an elite secret society based at Durham University, in Durham County, United Kingdom. In conversation, the group is known as "The Nobles" for their renowned and revered base of aristocrats and nobility from all over the world that are Barons members. Senior Barons have been known as "Eldars".


The Barons was formed in 1904, by three "Nobles" from different corners of the world as a result of the young noblemen's yearn for a private sect for the elite amongst European Society.

Its members have been referred to as worldwide Playboys, as their members are infamously only male and said to be the epitome of elite from all corners of the globe, preferring to keep their identities private and their actions discrete.

The emblem of the Barons is a Coat of Arms that incorporates both the playboy lifestyle and their savvy social itineraries. Their motto, "Nox Noctis Est Caligo Iuxta Diluculo", represents their discreteness with dealing with matters as well as loyalty and honour.

By reputation, the "Eldars" tap the Durham Socially Elite, breaking into the ever lucrative establishments such as the Wine, Finance, Investment & Business, and Law societies as well as renowned heavyweight sport clubs such as Cricket, Rowing and Lacrosse. Applications begin during the year, however, certain Barons are able to preview university applications and make a list of prospective members who would have the honour and privilege of a personal invitation and meeting with Baron Eldars.

Members meet in the Durham Castle on alternate, prearranged times and dates in order to keep their policy of discretion and secrecy.

Members are assigned a nickname and Venetian mask upon admittance. The mask ties in with Baron policy of "prudentia", secrecy and are used during society events as well as the ever famous annual Barons masquerade ball. The nicknames are for mystique, and are usually granted on social status and can range from names of deities to simply being of actual title.


Unlike other known establishments known for secrecy and conspiracy theories, the Barons conspire to no sinister intents and their secrecy is kept in order to maintain normality outside of the circle of the Château. This is done to protect members from outsiders and their past attempts to disband the Barons from within.

The society is said to have connections with the Illuminati and/or Freemasons.

The Château of Counts

The Château is the retreat of the Barons. It is said to be in the Alps on the boarder of Bavaria, Austria and Switzerland and is loaned to the Barons by a Reichsgraf of the Barons as a sanctuary and pleasure retreat. The Château itself is kept in a trust belonging to the Counts family and used solely by the Barons and friends. For the reason of protecting the Graf, the Château and its location is kept secure by the Barons Society.


Due to their secrecy and intent to remain private and independent from outside influence, all "Nobles" are kept unknown to all others but other Barons. Their registry is kept in the Château of Counts.
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