
This is family of birds that are found exclusively in the Hawaiian Archepeligo. They are a group of birds that have a large varietes of sizes and colors. Many kinds of birds in this group like Mioloa and Sczoloa were mostly never seen by Europeans that landed around 1750. A few genuses have a few relitives that still survive in small numbers.

* Genus Mialoa - similar to Akialoas
** Ancient Mialoa, Mialoa priscus - extinct (500 C.E.)
** Prehistoric Mialoa (Mialoa praenuncmaiores) - extinct (200 B.C.E.)
** Modern Mialoa (Mialoa novus) - extinct (1080 C.E.)
* Genus Sczoloa - blunt beaked birds, very rare, restricted
** Hawaiian Shoal Loa (Sczoloa hawaiiness)
** Maui Nui Shoal Loa (Sczoloa nui)
** O'ahu Shoal Loa (Sczoloa oahuiness) - extinct (1800 C.E)
** Kauai Shoal Loa (Sczoloa kauainess)
* Genus Cerviex - insectivors
** Volcanic Cerviex, Cerviex ignis - extinct (1600 C.E)
** Lowland Cerviex, Cervix solummugio
** Maui Cerviex, Cerviex solumsis - extinct (1874 C.E)
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