Douglas Zol

Dougie Allessandro Zol is an Italian born multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter and music producer. His real name Douglas William Black, was born in Trieste on 30th 1990. His mother, Romana Zol was born in Trieste, Italy, while his father Ian Black was born in Australia. This is a conflicting subject for Douglas and he is often shown using his Italian name, rather than his Australian one.

The majority of music he has produced has gone onto become more famous in countries throughout Europe and including the USA and Australia. Although his material is Punk-rock-influenced, most of his work should not be viewed as punk-rock music per se. Many of his songs are not punk-rock related and may probably be best viewed as only being created as an expression of emotion. To date his Italian made band "Quattro Zetta" has not produced an album, they have had success in the region of Trieste with songs such as Mio Felicita, Animali Domestici and Scintille. Zol states that these will be in his albums in the future, but has not yet confirmed a release date for his album.

The band that he created and is a part of, Quattro Zetta consists of himself playing bass and piano, his cousin Jimmy Zol, who performs vocals. Francesco Zanzotto, who plays lead guitar and Marco Zighizzino, playing drums. The band supposedly named so because of their last names all commencing in the letter Z.

Even though Zol has never had a chart hit under his own name. Zol was interviewed on the topic and stated that, "Timberland should not put his name on the work of others, he is a drain on the music society". Zol ahs also shown his disgust to other artists such as "Bono" suggesting that, "They are nothing but fakers". As a result of his comments, he has received much negative feedback from the music community and the public.
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