Double Transcontinental Driving Record

The Double Transcontinental driving record is for the shortest amount on consecutive time to drive from a coastal state, across North America to another coastal state, and back across to the same or another coastal state.
Pierce Plam currently holds the record of 5 days, 10 hours, 49 minutes. He departed the J. Rockcliff Realtors office in Danville, California at 9:55 am on Thursday, October 29, 2015. Plam reached Manhattan, New York at 4:35 pm Eastern Time (51 hours, 35 minutes). There was daylight savings time which set the clocks back by one hour on November 1, 2015. Plam reached the Portofino Inn at 7:44 pm Pacific time on November 3, 2015. Plam was participating in The 2904 Transcontinental Motorized Vehicular Tournament of Efficiency and Endurance and finished the return transcontinental drive in 36 hours and 48 minutes with co-drivers Alex Richter and John Ficarra.
Deena Mastracci and Carl Reese hold the Double Transcontinental Electric Vehicle Record with a time of 6 Days 6 hours and 22 minutes on 22 October 2015. They Beat Dan Edmunds and Kurt Niebuhrs time of 6 days 23 hours and 4 minutes.
In 1916 A. H. Patterson held the record of 10 days, 21 hours, and 4 minutes
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