Dorothy Kulisek

Dorothy Kulisek (born 1961, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is an American painter. She is known for her highly abstract seascapes. She is in the collection of the Musée d'Orsay in Paris.
She has received fellowships from the Phillips Foundation, and was the recipient of the 2008 Cape May County Woman of the Year Award.
She attended the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where she received a Masters in Fine Art.
The Sun
In 2004, the first issue of the bimonthly magazine, The Sun, was released. Printed in full color in heavy weight/high quality newsprint, it features the masthead of the original lithograph used from 1900-1915 on the Five-Mile Beach Sun in the Wildwoods. Dorothy edits and publishes the magazine from her home on the 5 mile southern New Jersey island, Wildwood.
It is a family run operation covering the history of the island as well as "all the good news" on the island.
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