Domain Registry Support

Domain Registry Support is an organization that handles internet domain registration for the .us top-level domain. The company acquires new customers by sending snail mail and fax invoices titled "NOTICE OF DOMAIN EXTENSION" to individuals and companies that recently have purchased domain names.

Starting in 2005, a number of people reported receiving unsolicited telephone calls or mail, usually from overseas call centers, from Domain Registry Support . Domain Registry Support does not scan the whois database for domain name contact information. It obtains information from corporations that have an authorized disclosure agreement with the customer. Domain Registry Support explains to business clients that the .us domain name may be available for their company .

As of June 2007, unsolicited faxes have been delivered to numerous domain owners of record. This fax, is written in legalese and is designed to frighten domain owners into calling a 800 number to protect their domains. In reality this gives the Domain Registry Support the opportunity to sell the unsuspecting consumer the .us domain name.

As of 2006, the address hosts a website that lists a phone number offering a live support line. The live support line is staffed. does not use an anonymizing service for their domain registration.

After calling Domain registry Support it was learned that they have agreements with several ICANN registered domain providers authorizing them to sell the domains.

Domain Registry Support vs Domain Support Group
Currently, the name of this company is Domain Registry Support, but it has operated as Domain Support Group in the past. A Better Business Bureau filing for Domain Support Group lists an address of 511 Ave. of the Americas #60, New York, NY. Although this building houses hundreds of businesses, this company's website and the BBB complaint both specify suite 60 as the being the exact location of both businesses. Additionally, both company websites and the solicitations sent out by this company list 1-800-875-7198 as their toll free business number.
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