Divorce Recovery

Divorce Recovery is the term referring to the return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength after Divorce.
Stages of Divorce Recovery
Recovery from divorce is a process. The length and order of the stages of recovery may vary depending on different factors (e.g. who initiated the divorce, cause of the divorce, etc).
*One: Denial
Denial is a part of the healing process and slowly gives way to acceptance of the end of a marriage. The denial stage often begins during the marriage. It may be hard to believe or accept the fact that the marriage is over. The person holds on to a sliver of hope that things can be different—that the other one will change. There is still a belief of things will be worked out magically.
*Two: Depression
The sense of loss associated with divorce creates sadness and other depressed feelings.The end of this stage is marked by increased energy, a desire to make plans for the future, and the emerging ability to express anger outward. Clinical depression, which is more than sadness, sometimes occurs.
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