Distant Shores (Canadian TV series)

Distant Shores is an adventure tourism television series produced by Shard Multimedia Inc. Distant Shores is broadcast in over 50 countries. The series follow the voyages of Sheryl and Paul Shard in their sailing boat.
Before the TV series, the Shards produced two videos, “Cruising the Bahamas” and “Transatlantic crossing” (from Norfolk, Virginia to Portugal via the Bermudas and the Azores). Also they documented the construction of their homebuilt boat, the Classic 37 Two-Step.
In series one to three, the couple sails around the Mediterranean in their homebuilt classical yacht, Two-Step. In Series four they travel to the Middle East, visiting Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and Egypt. In Series five they visit Italy, Sicily and Malta, where they sell Two-Step. Later they research a new boat, attending the London Boat Show and chartering a catamaran in the Virgin Islands. Finally they buy a Southerly 42, named Distant Shores in which they travel from England to the Caribbean and the Bahamas, via the Madeira and the Canary Islands.
Series 8 started was released in early April 2012. It has 13 episodes.
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