Dilip Venkatachari

Dilip Venkatachari is a technology executive, entrepreneur, data strategist, and board member of several companies.
Entrepreneur and Board Member
Dilip Venkatachari has founded and built technology-based companies in payments, mobile and social marketing and analytics, and CRM. He has been the co-founder of three companies, CommerceSoft (a CRM tool vendor), CashEdge (a payments and banking solutions vendor) and Compass Labs (a big data and predictive analytics AdTech company). Venkatachari is currently on the board of Clausen House and has served on the boards of PanIIT and dotMobi (mTLD Mobi Top Level Domain), Ltd.
Venkatachari has been a frequent speaker at conferences, most recently AllFacebook Marketing Conference, San Francisco June 2013 and The Lost Remote Conference, New York April 2013.
Technology Executive
Dilip Venkatachari has held a variety of senior executive roles in technology companies, and was a leader in McKinsey's Digital practice. At McKinsey, Dilip helped clients maximize impact of digital marketing, customer experience, machine learning and AI, and accelerate their digital transformations, At Google, he led the company's Mobile Ads business and built the Checkout product. Venkatachari served on the Board of PayPal Europe and was Vice President of PayPal’s (eBay) Payment Services and Business Operations, responsible for payments infrastructure, relationships with financial institutions, risk and fraud management, card and bank processing relationships, and regulatory compliance; Vice President of Insights Data Strategy at ; Executive in Residence at New Enterprise Associates (NEA); CEO of Commerce Soft; President of CashEdge, GM at Aspect Communications; and Vice President at Tandem Computers. Prior to that, Venkatachari worked as a consultant with McKinsey & Co and with Goldman Sachs.
Venkatachari holds several US, European and World patents. The first was awarded in 1997- "Method and apparatus for monitoring information access". His inventions are in the fields of analytics, financial transactions and risk management, mobile, customer interaction technologies, and advertising.e
Venkatachari earned an M.B.A. with distinction from the Harvard Business School in 1987, an M.S.E.E. from Rice University in 1983, and a Bachelor of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 1981.
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