Demhat Agit

Demhat Agit (Seyitxan Ayaz, d. 15 October 2019) was a PKK, and Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) executive council's member and former spokesman. In July 2015, a week after the Ceylanpınar incidents, Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) spokesman Demhat Agit said that the PKK was not officially involved, saying " are units independent from the PKK. They are local forces which organized themselves and not affiliated with us." Interviewed by BBC Türkçe as the KCK spokeman, he encouraged the return to the Kurdish-Turkish peace process, denounced statement "No negociation, No Kurdish problem" and pointed out Erdogan's strategy as willfully smearing and for political gain. He has been active with PKK movement for nearly 30 years.<ref name=":0" /> Agit was killed by Turkish Air Force's drone attack on October 15, 2019, on Mount Azmer near the Iraqi city of Sulaimaniyah.<ref name":0" /> Other KCK member Cemil Amed (Eser Irmak) was also killed in the attack.<ref name":0" />
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