DB Bpmbdzf

The Deutsche Bahn Bpmbdzf is the UIC Classification given to Control Cars in service on InterCity routes in Germany.
The Carriages are in use with Eurofima Coaches on Intercity, Regio and InterRegio services in Germany and occasionaly neighbouring countries. The cars were introduced as many German railway stations are Terminii stations which meant a direction change was required on many journeys which required a locomotive shunt at each end. This used considerable time and resources. Many consists include a BordBistro however some only are stocked with a refreshments trolley. Motive power is generally sourced from a DB Class 101 Electric Locomotive.
The carriages are designed to resemble Eurofima Coaches with a streamlined Driving Cab at one end. There is space behind the cab for Bicycles however on some routes in winter this space is converted for use to store Skiis.
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