David Scott de Hilster

David Scott de Hilster (born November 13, 1959) is an American scientist, artist, and documentary filmmaker, best known for the documentary film "Einstein Wrong - The Miracle Year" (2014). De Hilster is also active with groups of scientists that work outside the mainstream and is founder of the World Science Database which catalogs scientists and their work from around the world.
Education & Career
De Hilster attended Ohio State University, earning a Bachelors degree in Mathematics and a Masters in Linguistics. He worked in the artificial intelligence group in the 1980s at Battelle Memorial Institute in the area of natural language processing. De Hilster moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1987, continuing his work in artificial intelligence, while also coming into his own as a visual artist. In 1989, David moved to the Los Angeles area where he where he continued developing A.I. concepts at TRW Inc. among others. In 1990, he was selected to appear in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art as part of their young artist program and was able to rent and sell a number of drawings and paintings. In 1992, he met Dr. Ricardo Carezani, an Argentinean physicist who originated a theory in the 1940s that contradicts Einstein. This relationship and the exchange of information was the seed that eventually lead de Hilster to begin his documentary feature, "Einstein Wrong - The Miracle Year" in 2005. The documentary was completed in early 2014 and was submitted to film festivals.
David is married to Brazilian clothes and costume designer Doris de Hilster and has one child Luanda Lia de Hilster (2005).
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