
StarKing is the first Android app exclusively designed for Islamic Star pattern Generation.This app lets users to design not only traditional star patterns but novel patterns never seen before.
Traditional symbols are significant elements of cultural memory of each society. Therefore, using the traditional symbols in new intellectual products can help cultural continuity from one generation to the next. Moreover, new intellectual products can be inspired by old patterns and can produce own symbols. For instance, star patterns are one of the symbols in Islamic countries which can be used in social context as a reference to the past.
State Space of patterns
The user interface of Starking app provides the users with nine parameters which each one plays its role to build final star patterns.
Considering the range of values which could be taken by each parameter, a state space of more than 300 billion patterns can be generated by this app based on Probability theory.
Starking app developed and published in google play on September 19, 2014 by HamidReza and Hadi Mansourifar. It's free version also published on google play.
Some of Star patterns generated for the first time by Starking app:
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