David Pitts

David Pitts (born November 25, 1967) is an author, speaker, and technologist. Born in Lexington, Kentucky, David graduated from Asbury College in 1992.
From 1994-1996 David Pitts served as a local licensed pastor at Robert's Chapel (Nicholasville, KY) United Methodist Church.
David Pitts is the author of nine books.
*Pitts, David & O'Brien, Dennis, Korn Shell Programming by Example, Que Publishing, 2001. (ISBN 0-78972-465-0).
*Pitts, David & Ball, William, Red Hat Linux 7 Unleashed (5th edition), Sams Publishing, 2000. (ISBN 0-67231-985-3).
*Pitts, David; Ball, William; & Goerzen, John, Linux Unleashed (4th edition), Sams Publishing, 1999. (ISBN 0-67231-688-9).
*Pitts, David & Ball, William, Red Hat Linux 6 Unleashed (4th edition), Sams Publishing, 1999. (ISBN 0-67231-689-7).
*Pitts, David & Ball, William, Red Hat Linux (v. 5.2) Unleashed (3rd edition), Sams Publishing, 1998. (ISBN 0-672-31410-x).
*Ball, William, (Pitts, David, inside cover credit), Using Linux, Que Publishing, 1998. (ISBN 0-78971-623-2).
*Moritsugu, Steve (Pitts, David, inside cover credit), Using Unix (2nd edition), Que Publishing, 1998. (ISBN 0-78971-632-1).
*Pitts, David et al., Red Hat Linux Unleashed (2nd edition), Sams Publishing, 1997. (ISBN 0-672-31173-9).
*Bowen, Richard; O'Brien, Keven; Haddad, Christopher D.; Westguard, Mark; & Pitts, David, CGI Programming with Perl, Visual Basic & C, Sams Publishing, 1997. (ISBN 1-57521-241-2).
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