Darkhorse Analytics

Founded in 2008 by Dan Haight and Joey Cherdarchuk, Darkhorse Analytics is the consulting branch of the University of Alberta’s Centre for Excellence in Operations in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Darkhorse uses a number of different analytics techniques to analyse clients' data.
* Business Intelligence
* Data Visualization
* Geospatial analysis
* Business and Performance Forecasting
* Mathematical optimization Models.
* Emergency Services iPad App
Emergency services
Emergency services modelling is one of the main focuses of Darkhorse Analytics. To date Darkhorse has worked with Fire and EMS clients from across Canada and the United States, developing and commercializing tools to aid in meeting emergency services’ response time goals and to find problem areas in the emergency response process. These tools include station location, scheduling, and deployment models as well as fleet-sizing and demand-forecasting techniques.
In September 2012, Darkhorse Analytics released its first iPad application, which visualizes emergency services call data and aids in the identification of problem areas in different areas' emergency responses.
Hockey analysis
Most recently, Darkhorse Analytics has entered the sports’ analytics world, working with hockey professionals to develop and use advanced statistical techniques to evaluate player performance, as a part of the ‘Moneypuck’ movement (a spinoff of baseball’s sabermetrics and Moneyball, named as a play on Michael Lewis’ book Moneyball).
Sponsorship and presentations
Darkhorse Analytics has been a participant and sponsor in a number of analytics conferences and events in and around Edmonton. Sponsorships include Startup Edmonton's Analytics Hackathon and Accelerate Alberta (Alberta's largest tech startup event). Darkhorse was a featured presenter at the Analytics: Big Data and the Cloud conference in Edmonton (April 23-25, 2012). Darkhorse Analytics' president Dan Haight also makes an appearance in the Edmonton Oilers' preview of Discovery Channel's "Science of Hockey" discussing analytics in hockey.
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