Dani DeLay Ferro

Dani DeLay Ferro is the American daughter of former Congressional leader Tom Delay.

She has worked for her father and, gained notoriety through questions about payments she received and her ties to lobbyists.

In 2001 the Washington Post asked questions about payments she received from a Political Action Committee that supported DeLay.
According to the New York Times a letter to the charity, from the New York State's office of the Attorney General:

The Washington Post reported on October 13 2004 that Ferro's phone records were subpoenaed by Texas prosecutor Ronnie Earle.
The phone records were subpoenaed to help determine whether DeLay was receiving illegal campaign contributions.

Ferro is involved in the production of a documentary profiling her, entitled: "Don't Tell Me What To Think".
The documentary will describe her work as her father's campaign manager and organizer of his fund-raising events.
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