Daigacon is an anime convention held in Bowling Green, Kentucky. This convention was first held March 2-4, 2007, at the Sloan Convention Center and University Plaza Holiday Inn. The convention is run by the non-profit group of the same name headed by Convention Director Mark Henry. It is the first anime convention to be held in Bowling Green.
Western Kentucky University's anime club, Rising Sun Otaku, and its gamer club, WKU Gamers' Guild, organized the convention. Its mascot Waku-chan was named after WKU.
Daigacon 2007 Guests
Prominent guests included Christopher Ayres, Brittany Karbowski, Jan Scott-Fraiser, Emily and Robert DeJesus, and Austell Callwood from the United States, and songstress Yoko Ishida, cosplay idol Yunmao Ayakawa, and Yasuhiro Koshi from Japan. Ishida performed two concerts. Of the three conventions held the first weekend of March, Daigacon was the only to have guests from Japan.
The band The Spoony Bards performed and Random Battle Group presented a live version of a battle scene from Final Fantasy. * Magic: The Gathering play * Video Games - such as Halo, Guitar Hero 2, and Super Smash Bros. Melee * Cosplay - including costume competitions * Panels * Artists' Alley * Concert * Dance * Dealers' Room * Game Shows
Daigacon 2008
Tentative date for Daigacon 2008 is July 18-20, 2008. Possible guests who have showed interest in attending include Christopher Ayres, Greg Ayres, and Random Battle Group.