
Cyberfrog, also stylized as CyberFrog, is a fictional anthropomorphic frog superhero created by American comic book artist Ethan Van Sciver. The character had its first full appearance in Cyberfrog #1 published by Hall of Heroes in June 1994 and a second, more well-known, release under Harris Comics from 1996 to 1997. The character was dormant for much of the 2000s but there has been a renewed interest since the announcement of a crowdfunding campaign by Van Sciver in March 2018.
Ethan Van Sciver has mentioned inspirations for Cyberfrog as including Ed Wood films, science-fiction films such as Alien, superheroes such as Spawn and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and science-fiction TV series such as Mystery Science Theater 3000, among others.
Hall of Heroes
Hall of Heroes, an independent comic book publisher, was based out of Elkhart, Indiana where Van Sciver and other creators would sometimes promote and sell their comic books at the county fair. The first full appearance of Cyberfrog was Cyberfrog #1 in June 1994. Prior to Cyberfrog #1, the character had a full page preview in Hall of Heroes' Vortex #5. While being published under Hall of Heroes, Cyberfrog experienced limited success due to the low exposure nature of the independent comic book market. Van Sciver sought more exposure with other publishers.
During the height of Cyberfrog's popularity at Harris Comics, Van Sciver was met with the possibility of licensing the character. Playmates Toys had begun work on an action figure line while Mainframe Entertainment, now known as Rainmaker Studios, had begun plans for a cartoon series as well as a deal with Fox Kids. The plans fell through, however, after a series of terminations by one of Playmates business partners.
Later popularity
During the 2000s, Van Sciver repurchased the rights to Cyberfrog with the hope to reintroduce the character at some point in the future. In March 2018, after having left his career as an artist at DC Comics, amidst the Comicsgate movement, Van Sciver began promoting Cyberfrog: Bloodhoney on his YouTube channel "ComicArtistPro Secrets" and launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo which went on to become the highest grossing crowdfunded comic book of all-time.<ref name""/><ref name""/>
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