Curse of Aaron Ramsey

The Curse of Aaron Ramsey is the name given to a supposed sports curse in English association football. The curse holds that any time Arsenal and Wales national football team midfielder Aaron Ramsey scores a goal, a celebrity dies shortly afterwards. The curse is alleged to have started in 2009 and is commonly circulated on social media. The Curse became popularised in 2011 after the death of Osama bin Laden occurred after Ramsey had scored against Manchester United. During the 2013-14 season where Ramsey was at his most prolific, there were no deaths following his goals. However, in 2016 posters on the internet claimed that the curse of Aaron Ramsey was responsible for the deaths of Alan Rickman, David Bowie and Nancy Reagan. Ramsey himself was made aware of the alleged curse but described it in an interview as a "silly rumour" and expressed displeasure at the insinuations.
The Daily Telegraph called it "nonsensical jabberings of those needing to fill column inches". Irish website called it "macabre" and "one of football's most disturbing trends".
Alleged deaths
The following are alleged to have died shortly after Ramsey scored, and thus are considered subjects of the curse:
* Ted Kennedy
* Osama bin Laden
* Steve Jobs
* Colonel Gaddafi
* Whitney Houston
* Ray Williams
* Boris Berezovsky
* Paul Walker
* Robin Williams
* David Bowie
* Alan Rickman
* Nancy Reagan
* Sir Bruce Forsyth
* Sir Ken Dodd
* Stephen Hawking
* Eric Bristow
* George H.W. Bush
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