Piotr Paciorek

Piotr M. Paciorek, S.T.D., S.T.L., D.E.A., M.A., M.A. is a Roman Catholic priest. He is currently a professor of theology at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami, Florida. He previously taught at Ave Maria University in Naples, Florida. He writes about Creation Theology, Christology and Anthropology.
1994 - Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (D.E.A.) University of Sorbonne Paris III. Intensive Advanced Study in the Didactics of Languages and Culture, with highest honors. Dissertation: “La Nouvelle Revue Française in the Light of the Memoirs of the Founders and Co-workers from 1908-1925.”
1991 - Doctoral Degree in Theology (Ph.D. in Religion), Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. Dissertation: “The Holy Scripture as the Rule of Faith and Morality of the Church according to the Enarrationes in Psalmos of Augustine of Hippo.”
1989 - Licentiate (S.T.L.) in Church History - specialization in Latin and Greek Patristic Writings, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.
1988 - M.A. in Theology. Dissertation: “Scriptura Dei according to Enarrationes in Psalmos of Augustine of Hippo”, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.
‘Teaching about the Holy Scripture in the oldest Polish Anthology of the Sentences of Augustine of Hippo from the 17th century’, Vox Patrum 10 (1990) 731-747 (See Bibliographia Patristica XXXIII-XXXV no. 2503, Berlin-New York: Walter De Gruyter, 1997, 175.)
‘L’Adoration des Mages (Mt 2.1-12) dans la tradition patristique et au Moyen Âge jusqu’au 12e siècle’ (English translation: The Adoration of the Magi in the Patristic Tradition and in the Middle Age up to the 12th century), Augustiniana 50 (2000), 85-140. (See Ed. R. Althann, Elenchus of Biblica 16 (2000) no 4821, p. 291. 886.)
‘Les diverses interprétations patristiques des quatre vivants d’Ezéchiel 1,10 et de l’Apocalypse 4,6-7 jusqu’au 12e siècle’ ('Various patristic interpretations of the Four Living Creatures from the Book of Ezekiel 1.10 and from the Book of Revelation 4.6-7 until the 12th century’), Augustiniana 51 (2001), 151-218. (See Ed. R. Althann, Elenchus of Biblica 17 (2001) no 12019, p. 751. 860.)
‘L’anthropologie trichotomique (1 Thess 5,23) et la résurrection de la chair selon Irénée et Origène’ (‘Trichotomical Anthropology (1 Thess 5:23) and the Resurrection of the Body According to Irenaeus and Origen’), Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 96 (Roma: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum 2006) 465-476.
'Christ and Melchizedek both Fatherless and Motherless in the Christology of Augustine of Hippo’, Studia Patristica XLIII (ed. F. Young, M. Edwards and P. Parvis, Leuven, Belgium: Peeters, 2006), 213-219.
‘Cristo y Melquisedec, ambos sin padre ni madre, en la cristologia de Agustin de Hipona’, Augustinus LII (trad. Enrique A. Eguiarte, Madrid, Spain: Revista de estudios agustinianos, 2007), 177-183.
‘La hermenéutica antropologica en la teologia patristica’, Augustinus LVI (trad. Enrique A. Eguiarte, Madrid, Spain: Revista de estudios agustinianos, 2011), 165-173.
‘The Metaphor of “the Letter from God” as Applied to Holy Scripture by Saint Augustine’ Studia Patristica LXX.18 (ed. Markus Vinzent, Leuven, Belgium: Peeters, 2013), 133-146.
‘Czas kresu czasów w literaturze apokaliptycznej’ (English translation: The time of the end of times in the Apocalyptical Literature), Vox Patrum 34 (2014), t. 62, 383-425.
‘The Metaphor of “the Letter from God” as Applied to Holy Scripture by Saint Augustine’, Augustinus, LXI.240-241 (trad. José Anoz, Madrid, Spain: Revista de estudios agustinianos, 2016, 195-210)
‘The Controversy between Augustine and Julian of Eclanum: On Law and Grace’ Studia Patristica XCVIII.24 (ed. Markus Vinzent, Leuven, Belgium: Peeters 2017, 463-82).
'Augustine’s Anthropological Hermeneutic and Political Thought in Dante Alighieri’s De Monarchia, accepted for publication in: 'Augustine as "Doctor Pacis": Inquires on Peace for People Living Today', Uniaugustiniana Press
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