Cultural differences in the death of leadership between the United Kingdom and United States

American and British cultural differences have been recognized in the media concerning how they each eulogize their political leadership.
Upon the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on April 8, 2013, a theater had proclaimed "Margaret Thatchers Dead LOL", social media giant Twitter had seen the song "" surge upward immediately following the former prime minister's death, there was a reflection of some of the disdain many in the UK felt against Thatcher. In the United States it is generally considered a sign of disrespect to publicly vocalize disrespect for the dead, even if they had resigned in disgrace such as former President Richard Nixon.
Chatham House Director Robin Niblett said when speaking of the recently deceased Prime Minister:
Niblett went on to explain that such untimely criticism reflects how Britain does not "feel a need" to build any perceived patriotic myths about its leaders:
According to journalist Gregory Katz in an article entitled "U.K.'s attitude on political leaders' deaths vastly different from U.S.", he wrote: "Americans tend to put presidents on a pedestal and regard them with more respect. They are called "Mr. President" for the rest of their lives, but former Prime Ministers of the UK are not called "Mr. Prime Minister."<ref name="Katz" />
Lucie McNeil, a Briton whose brother was still living in the UK, explained in 2013 that the "difference between Brits and Americans writ large. Saying something critical of America could be seen as unpatriotic here, but we Britons are conditioned to be critical of our country".<ref name="Brian" />
For example, Richard Nixon was the only U.S. President to resign while in office and, upon his 1994 death (according to Robert McGeehan; an associate fellow at the Institute for the Study of the Americas, and dual national who worked with PM Thatcher after she left office), there were no signs of celebration or gloating. McGeehan stated:
The Twitter surge in the UK of "" upon Thatcher's death, mocking the former prime minister,<ref name="TBO" /> is an regarded as an example of public scorn in the face of death of an iconic leader. Katz of the Associated Press points out that "the willingness of small groups of Britons to publicly mock a longtime national leader hours after her death reflects a British contempt for power and its practitioners that many believe stands in contrast to attitudes in the United States".<ref name="Katz" />
Katz's explanation for this divide was that despite the US and UK common roots, that the two countries operate in different political governments. In Britain, the monarch functions as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England and as head of state and not the prime minister, who is only head of government; in the U.S., the president fills the dual role as head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.<ref name="Katz" /> It is possible that functioning as head of state garners more respect in death, and not necessarily other political leaders, popular or not.
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