Craig Zielinski

Craig Zielinski (born October 29, 1987 in Dunmore, Pennsylvania) is an American film director. Mostly known for his work Where's My Toothpaste?.
Craig is also known for his support of Ralph Nader in the 2008 Presidential Election. He traveled to 49 of the 50 states trying to spread the unofficial slogan, "Yes We Can, Better Than You", although Ralph Nader refused to acknowledge the saying in his official campaign. He also publicly claimed to be the unofficial sole purpose Nader was allowed on the 2008 Presidential Ballot in Pennsylvania, which he later apologized at a press conference.
*Did you tell? or DIDN'T you?
*Why Save The Whales?
*Are All My Movie Titles In The Form of Questions?
*Where's My Toothpaste?
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