Cost per Day


Cost Per Day (CPD) is a model for buying advertising airtime on out-of-home digital signage and was invented by nMotion technologies' co-founder and CEO Matthew J. Olivieri in 2008. It is powered by their proprietary "procession algorithm" which decides how an advertiser wins an advertising slot (also known as an "avail")on an out-of-home digital signage network.

The method allows an out-of-home digital signage network operator to set a per day asking price for an advertising slot for each venue in his network.

Any advertiser can then log into nMotion technologies' online ad program called AdSemble and specify the maximum cost per day (Max CPD) he is willing to pay to have his ad appear on each specific venue the operator controls.

The advertiser creates an ad and/or uploads one he already has and assigns it to the individual venue he has placed his max cpd on. Procession algorithm decides who "wins" the advertising slot based on an unknown total number of factors.

Once an advertiser wins a slot on the out-of-home digital signage network, it is theirs to perpetually own-until the algorithm 'bumps' that advertiser out based on some factor(s)-one logical thought being he is no longer the highest bidder.

The reasoning behind allowing advertisers to perpetually own the slot is so they may simply swap out which ad they display week after week, month after month, etc. and not have to worry about also booking the advertising airtime all over again.
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