Corporal punishment in Florida

Corporal punishment has been removed throughout many states within the US but there are still 19 states that have continued the practice of corporal punishment. Florida is one of the states that as of 2019 still practices corporal punishment.
In 2015, parents and students are made aware of this fact through a pamphlet that is sent out to the parents providing the specific details as to how and when corporal punishment will be administered to the children.
Within the Florida statutes, the specifics and detail of corporal punishment are stated within the Education Code section, chapter 1003.32 which is titled 'Authority of teacher; responsibility for control of students; district school board and principal duties'. Some of the powers granted to a teacher within the public school include, "1.The use of corporal punishment shall be approved in principle by the principal before it is used, but approval is not necessary for each specific instance in which it is used. The principal shall prepare guidelines for administering such punishment which identify the types of punishable offenses, the conditions under which the punishment shall be administered, and the specific personnel on the school staff authorized to administer the punishment." With this put in place, this gives teachers the authority to administer Corporal Punishment as long as they follow the guidelines the principal has set forth for that particular school. The Chapter provides more guidelines that the school districts must follow in order to administer corporal punishment to students properly.
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