
Copify is an online copywriting service which enables customers to order web content from a network of approved freelance copywriters. Orders are made available to the site's network of freelancers on a first come, first-served basis. Clients also have the option to order copy directly from a writer of their choice.
The company is based in Lancaster, England and operates three websites, serving the UK, USA and Australia. Each has a dedicated base of native writers.
Company History
Copify was founded in 2010 by Martin Harrison, a copywriter, and Rob McVey, a web developer. The pair met whilst working for a Search engine optimization agency and observed that there was an opportunity for a crowdsourcing website that focused solely on copywriting. Copify charges for content by the word, with a payment being issued by the customer before each order is placed. Writers are paid once the copy has been approved by the customer. The company's revenue comes from a commission on each order that is placed.
Copify has been wide criticized by copywriters who have questioned the relatively low rates of pay that are offered. Many also dislike the controversial 'pay per word' model, arguing that it restricts creativity and encourages writers to create substandard copy.. Concern has also been raised that those using Copify will not necessarily get the ability and experience they intended, and of a conflict of interest with Nublue, another copywriting firm.
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