Cooperative Commons

Cooperative Commons is an initiative promoted by Legacoop in collaboration with Luiss University, to encourage the creation of a digital cooperativism based on the sharing of digital data and of their computing capacity, in the form of cooperatives among Internet users.
From a practical point of view Cooperative Commons proposes the creation of a Cooperative Identity Provider that allows all members of the cooperative movement in Italy and in the world to access the internet being identified as members of Cooperatives Commons and then delegating to the collective subject the power to negotiate the use of their digital data to third parties on the basis of mutual principles.
The proposal was formulated in 2012, in the form of a manifesto with the first signatories Professor Sebastiano Maffettone and Giuliano Poletti, President of Legacoop.
It articulates an ethical reflection formulated by Professor Maffettone on trying to rationalize and make more fair the relationship between the big networks of the digital age and their users.

“It's clear that when a user has freely at his disposal a network of useful services and in some cases even essential, the user is bound to offer something in return to the company that allows all this. It's still pretty clear that this something is usually the information concerning the user.“
The most ambitious goal that arises Cooperative Commons is to make transparent and regulated this type of commitment. This requires a distinction within the set of users and the awareness by all users of what they are doing and the rights that yield in exchange for the benefits they use. The idea of contractualize active users and data providers generally seemed a necessary first step to joining equity (in the user's protection) and efficiency (of the company).
In 2014 it was registered the trademark through which is handled the dissemination of the idea and the creation of the Cooperative Identity Provider service.
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