
CoolBasic (CB) is a procedural programming language and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) developed by Jukka Lavonen. It is designed for easy-to-learn game-creation.
CB has an object system, tilemap engine and collision detection built-in. CB uses DirectX 7 for rendering 2D graphics. 3D graphics are unsupported in the current version.
CoolBasic V3
A new version of CoolBasic is currently in development. It is a complete re-write of the old CoolBasic series and features a wide variety of new features. CB V3 will be object-oriented and will support 3D accelerated graphics. The IDE and manuals will be started from scratch. Unlike the current version of CoolBasic, CB V3 will be fully localized in English.
Code Examples
Hello world!
Prints the text "Hello world!" on the screen. Program is terminated when any key is pressed.
<source lang="">
Print "Hello world!" //this line prints the text on the screen
WaitKey //this line will pause the program until any key is pressed. Because this is the last line the program will be terminated after it.
The Object System
The example loads an object and rotates it on the screen.
<source lang="">
object = LoadObject("Media\guy.bmp",72) //An object is being loaded from 'Media\guy.bmp' and it's being saved to the object -variable.
//The other parameter (72) defines the amount of rotating angles that are loaded for the object.
Repeat //the main loop starts

TurnObject object,-1 //the object is turned 1 degree

DrawScreen //the screen is rendered
Until EscapeKey() //the main loop continues until the esc key is pressed
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