
Basic4android (pronounced Basic for Android) is a programming language for mobile phones and devices running Android operating system, by Anywhere Software. The Language is based on a Visual Basic-like syntax, with support for objects and with a GUI designer.
Basic4android code compiles to native Dalvik bytecode using .
History (major versions)
Version 1.3 released on March, 2011. This version allows the developer to connect the IDE to devices over the local network. It is useful for devices that do not support the ADB tool.
Version 1.2 released on February, 2011 adding support for background services.
Version 1.0 of Basic4android was released on December, 2010.
Language and IDE features
Syntax: The syntax is similar to Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET.
GUI Designer: The GUI designer is made of two components. The first component is the control panel and it is part of the IDE. The second component runs on the connected device or emulator, and is the visual component. Both components communicate using TCP/IP communication. The layout can be either changed in the control panel or directly in the visual component, by moving the views.
The layout is saved in a special layout file. This file can include several layout variants that match different screens and resolutions.
External Libraries: New functionality is added by writing Java libraries. A customized Doclet is used to create an XML file that describes the library for the IDE.
Example code
Here is an example of the language:
Code snippet that displays a message box "Hello World!" as the application starts:
<source lang="vb">
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Msgbox("Hello world!", "")
End Sub
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