Connie Garner

Connie Garner is a fitness competitor, model, and fitness celebrity from Australia.
Connie has won World Fitness Titles and won back to back Australian Fitness Titles. She was also Miss World Fitness 2000. Connie is a university educated personal trainer and fitness models for a number of companies and magazines. Connie travels the world competing and doing appearances.
Connie is related to strongman Riku Kiri.
Connie Garner is an Australian Fitness Celebrity.
Connie Garner from Finnish heritage, born and lives in Australia. Travels worldwide to compete and model. She won her world title in 2000. She has been on the cover and in the following Magazines: FHM MuscleMag Ironman Magazine Cosmopolitan Magazine Chick Magazine Women in Sport Oxygen Ultrafit
She has undergraduate and postgraduate university qualifications in Information Technology.
*List of female fitness & figure competitors
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