
== Movie: "Congoro: Legend of the Jungle King" ==

"Congoro: Legend of the Jungle King" is a feature film released in 2008 by Cinemascore Studios, written by Matthew Zappala, Daniel Parry and Barish Erogul. The action/comedy stars Matthew Zappala, Daniel Parry and Matthew Elverd, and was directed by Barish Erogul (Eleventh Soldier, Other life). Executive producer Victor Vives. For story synopsis, see official site below. (this article is not a press release, and was written by an independent contributor)


Tagline: Lights, camera, script?

Feature run time: 104mins

Distribution: international (Cinemascore Studios, Visionmax International)

Language: English (U.S.A)

Official site (as of August 2008)

Release date: TBA

MPAA rating: TBA
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