Common Man Calendar

A Common Man Calendar is a calendar that exposes local men who are perceived to be common and most importantly not professional models. It celebrates the common man who is affordable, affable, attainable and typically loved by the local community. The common man calendar has become a novel publication that local sporting clubs in Victoria, Australia are producing and using as a vehicle to raise funds for their organisations.
The Common Man Calendar concept originally began in Melbourne in early 2007 when a group of friends decided to create a calendar of themselves in a pair of girls underpants. It was a social project that gathered more momentum than this friendship group had ever anticipated. All participants were common men who were not professional calendar models and came from a broad range of professions and backgrounds. They claimed to be bringing "common men back to calendars".
The motivation behind the original calendar for all participants was mixed. It was claimed that they were making a stance against the stereotype of the hairless male model with rippling biceps and adominal muscles which was unrealistic and uncommon.
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