Colin Mark Killick

Colin Mark Killick or "Killa Collin" as he is known in his business is a world powerlifting silver-medalist. He was born in 1959 and raised in Edenbridge. In his teens he went to a high school called Judd. With his wife he has raised two children called Matthew (18 at the time of writing) and Nathan Boi (14 at the time of writing). Matthew takes after his father as he takes part in weightlifting & rugby. Matthew also participates in rowing, he is a gold medalist at his rowing in the South East of England for the 16 to 21 age group.

He won the Powerlifting Silver Title in 1991 at the age of 32. He is still the strongest man in Kent to this day. He played rugby for Kent for 15 years from when he was 11. He is so good at weightlifting that he beat a physics teacher from Maidstone Grammar School called Dr Mannion 7 years in a row.
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