Colin Jensen

Colin Jensen is an Australian civil engineer, and current Chief Executive Officer of Brisbane City Council in Queensland, Australia.
Jensen has previously worked as the Coordinator-General and Director-General of the Queensland Department of Infrastructure and Planning where he oversaw the largest infrastructure program in Queensland history.
Jensen also directs various Brisbane City boards, including CitySmart and the City of Brisbane Investment Corporation.
Awards and recognition
For the past five years, Jensen has been considered one of Australia's 100 most influential engineers by Civil Engineers Australia.
In 2011, Jensen was the recipient of the QUT Chancellor's Outstanding Alumni Award and the Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering Outstanding Alumni Award.
In 2013, Jensen was awarded the Qld 2010-11 National Emergency Medal for sustained service by the Governor-General of Australia for the role he played in the 2010-11 Queensland floods.
It is estimated that Jensen's pay package totals upwards of $500,000. This is significantly greater than the pay for the Lord Mayor of Brisbane, as well as the pay for the CEOs of Melbourne and Sydney, however the Local Government Areas which those officers service are much smaller than the Brisbane LGA.
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